Carrie A’S Story

“Dark Cloud 4 Sunny Sky
My name is Carrie and this is my BENEVE story. All my life, I was picked on for my weight from my siblings to the children in school. It was hard and I isolated myself all through my childhood. My adulthood was not any better because I would just look at myself with disbelief that I was in the obese category. I had wasted so much money on different products, health, gym memberships and there was no hope in sight. Crying myself to sleep was an understatement. I just gave up on it all. Until one day I saw instagram reel about this cortisol cocktail so I was intrigued. For several months, I just sat back and never had the courage to click in on her live but this one day, something came over me and I said to myself, just click on the comment and ask a quick question. The person I spoke to was so knowledgeable and made me feel good about myself, and she knew nothing about me. She’s just took the time, picked up my spirits and gave me hope again. I explained to her that I was tired and was going through the normal life changes of life. I felt bloated in the midsection all the time and my mood was never really where it needed to be. I felt dark inside. So we started to text back-and-forth because I had 101 questions. The next day, I said to myself, what do I have to lose? I can’t put a price on my health. I only get one life in this world and I don’t want to let my children down because they count on me. I sent her a text back and told her I would order a 30 day supply. I have nothing to lose so I’m all in. Not just one leg, but I jumped in completely, full body.
My over all well-being has truly changed since I have been using Beneve products. I started on the watermelon, berry and power of three when the influencer had told me I would feel it in 15 minutes. I was very skeptical, but let me tell you, she was dead on and I felt a feeling inside me, that I never have felt. It was less than 15 minutes when I felt this warm, overwhelming feeling inside my body and that I knew everything was gonna be OK. The stress had released inside my body and I felt full again. Usually, I would go back to bed in the morning after I got up to get my husband up and out to work, but since I’ve been taking these products, no more going back to bed! I finish all my task for the day from cleaning, to laundry, to vacuuming and playing with the dogs and even weeding out the flowerbeds. This feeling goes on all day long and it’s amazing. I’ve been taking this product for about 3 1/2 weeks now and it has been a game changer for me. I’ve currently lost 5 pounds which I’m very happy to report because I take many things that make it hard for me to maintain weight loss. If you ever felt the way that I explained in the beginning , believe me, you can never put a price on your health and it is so worth it each and every day. I will never try another product ever again because I truly believe and love all the results I have received from BENEVE. I am a lifetime Beneve customer, but not only that, I stand behind this product and now I am an influencer. So don’t be afraid to love yourself and take care of you because if you don’t take care of yourself, nobody will ♥️
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